Sorry for the delay, I flew out to Texas the day after the 31st, but I'm ready to announce the winners of the journal give away. First, just to clarify, my very first commenter posted on my facebook after reading my blog, so he is actually the number 1 commenter. Then, those who commented on my blog are numbers 2-4. And the winners are, according to the random number generator on
#3, Randi, who wins the first choice of Lands, then #1, Don, who wins The Hardy Boys, and finally, #4, "Unknown," who will take the Hollister book. Congratulations. Either private message me your name and mailing address on facebook, or email me at and I'll get those in the mail next week. Enjoy!
Doh! I was unlikely contestant number 2! Thanks for the give-away, I'm glad to have found your blog via the give-a-way, I enjoyed reading about your talkative neighbor on the plane, I hope to come back and read more. Thanks again & Good Luck.
Well, Matthew, two readers haven't responded yet, so you may still have a chance. Email me your mailing address and if they don't respond within a week, I'll send you the journal you picked.
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