I've trumpeted the fact before, I love walking my girls to school. It is invaluable, cherished time which just got a whole lot sweeter. Deuteronomy 6 says the 10 commandments are to be impressed upon our children and encourages us to talk about them as we sit at home and as we "walk along the road." So, yesterday, I decided to to live this passage out with my daughters. I told them we were going to learn the 10 commandments as we walked to school, brilliantly beginning with number one, "you shall have no other gods before me." We repeated it as we walked and then we discussed it's meaning. Ella, my 5 year old, contributed that God is powerful. Julia, 7, brought up other Bible stories, and we chanted the commandment again. Then we prayed before I kissed my girls goodbye.
Last night I pondered our walk to school and felt such joy that I was able to literally live out the Scriptures with my kids. I want that memory to live with them forever. More importantly, I want the Word of God impressed upon their hearts and all the benefits that brings. I want them to know God and His love for them and to live out their faith in front of their friends. I want so much for them, so I walk them to school and watch them grow in so many ways right before my eyes.
As we headed out the door today, both girls immediately started in, "We have to talk about the 10 commandments!" And the best theological discussion I have ever had began...